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name: Takato Matsuda
age: 10
grade: 5
D-arc: red
partner: Guilmon

personality: Takato isnt exactly like the other digidestined leaders. HE's quiet and isnt that out-going. HEn doesn't like to fight thst much, either. He's more on the quiet side but will fight if he ad to.

my opinion of Takato: Takato is really cool, and personaly, i like him. He's cool and cares alot about his Digimon. Hes not my fav character but, he's really cool.


name: Henry Wong
age: 10
grade: 5
D-arc: green
partner: Terriermon
peronality: Henry is calm and thinks before he acts. He doesnt like Terriermon to fight but after awhile he learns that he as to. He's caring and is good friends with Takato: He doesnt have much friends, that's why when he meets Takato they become very close friends.

my opinion of Henry: Henry is mu fav character!He's really cool, and in my opnion, VERY cute! like his family to, rumor says that he's rich! But then. . why does he live in an apartment?!


name: Rika Nanoka
age: 10
grade: 5
D-arc: blue
partner: Renamon

personality: Rika is a fighter with a bad attitude! She loves to fight and doesnt have any friends because she doesnt beleive in friendship. But later on she's alittle nicer, and learns to care for Renamon, and many times got close to losing her.

my opinion: Rika is cool, i like the way she fights and the fact that she won a card tournement! I would Never be able to that!