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hey, well, this is all the lyrics page. I only have them in English. Sorry.

3 Primary colors

Why do we have to fight? I Don't wanna hurt anyone. If it's not a game, I want to quit. What do you think?

I don't have time to search for a reason I don't want anyone to steal it from me, do I? I don't want to run away without fighting. What do you think?

I don't understand now But I know someday the day will come when I do

Primary colors, We're still Primary colors Afraid of mixing with eachother Primary colors Everything is up to our future selves When we join hands We'll be infintely expanding colors

I can't say whether it's right or not But we're fighting to stay alive, right? Those are the rules of life What do you think? I beleive in no one but myself Ever since I was little I've been this way I don't wanna take off my sunglasses This is me

I'm not strong But I'm sure that's okay for now

Primary Colors Our feelings are still primary colors Afraid of beleiving in eachother Primary colors Everything is up to our future selves When we overlap eachother We'll be brilliantly expanding colors

No one knows But surely that's okay for now

Primary colors We're still primary colors Afraid of mixing with eachother Primary colors Everything is up to our future selves When we join hands We'll be infinitely expanding colors

We are the three primary colors